Wednesday, July 9, 2008

New Blogs

Hey guys (all two of you who still check this!)! I hope your summer has been wonderful. Mine has been uneventful and fun. I just wanted to let you know that I have set up a couple of new blogs for my classes next year. You guys from Holocaust Lit are welcome to stay active in the new Never Forget blog. In fact, I would love it! The blog address is
I am going to use it much the same as the one I did last year. Josh, I think you will LOVE the background! Just for curiosity's sake, I am also setting up for English II Honors and for AP. I will use these two kind of like the one last year with some added things. I am going to do a weekly calender on them, too.

Holocaust Lit people: I have not forgotten the garden. I have not been able to find anyone to make it. Then, this past week, I was looking at "The Old House" magazine and I found an idea for a planter out of materials that will be much easier to make (same design). I am going to be talking to someone about it this week. I know we have gone long into summer, but we are going to do it, I promise. I just hated to spend that kind of money, you know (and we don't have that much!)?

Anyway, check out the new backgrounds (no posting yet) and have a great summer (what's left of it!)!