YOU DID IT!!! Congratulations, you are finally finished with your research paper! Now what?
You will submit your paper in the brown envelope I gave you when we first started. You will not staple anything together at all. In that brown envelope should be the following components:
Index Cards (Source and Note)
Works Cited Page
Cover Sheet (this needs to have your name, the title of the paper, the date)
6-8 page research paper complete with in-text citations (and it should follow the outline) and numbered pages 2-___ (they should be in the upper right hand corner of pages 2-___ and should say your last name and the page number)-- YOU DO NOT NUMBER PAGE ONE. NOR DO YOU PUT A HEADING ON IT OR ANY OTHERS.
Today, you are going to work on finishing your paper and writing your abstract. I am also giving you a mini Frankenstein research topic but all you will need to do with it is look up your topic and then make a few notes on scrap paper or in your phone if you prefer.
Tomorrow, papers are due to be submitted to me at the beginning of the period and you must have your abstract in your hand in order to take part in research presentations. If you don't, it's a big fat zero. HAVE IT.
Frankenstein research needs to be finished by Friday.