Thursday, January 26, 2017

Friday, Jan 27

Sorry I'm out, guys. I kind of feel like I'm dying of sinus junk tonight. I want y'all to go on with the Prologue and I'll explain anything needed when I get back. 

Continue reading the Prologue (silently to yourself). However,  I want you to take notes as you read. Get a computer and log into your Class notebook. 

1. Log onto computer.
2. Log into your school email using "Microsoft login" in the search bar. 
3. Click on the waffle or grid in the upper left hand corner.
4. Click on either One Note or Class Notebook.
5. Click on shared notebooks, English IV 2nd or 4th period, then the tab on the left with your name and then the tab on the left with Class Notes.
6. Take your notes there (info below about what I want included). 
7. If your neighbors are struggling to get there on the computer, help them. If you are struggling, ask for help. IF it simply WILL NOT work and you have tried other computers, do it on paper.)

Write the name of each character, the socio-economic status (and a text ref for that), feudal, city, or church category (and a text ref), and some details about the person (like we did aloud in class Thur). Do this for each character as you read. I'll check these for a grade.

Do not be on your phones or talking!

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