Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Survival in Auschwitz

Primo Levi is one of the leading Holocaust writers. This memoir is very highly acclaimed. That group needs to use this post as a forum for your online discussion over the book.


A. Davis said...

Don't know why the delay is happening here, but you don't have a lot of time to dialogue on this blog. GET BUSY!

Anonymous said...

i posted a comment a few days ago but i guess it didn't go through...?

anyway, this book has been really hard for me to get into. you were right about the reading level, mrs. davis. mr. levi's use of detail and expression is really good though. after a while it became easier to read but i'm enjoying it all the same. i'm just having to re-read a lot of parts to fully understand what point he's trying to make in his writing.

Andy said...

Even though I enjoyed the book, it was much more of a difficult read than anything else we've done this year. It was more informative than anything, I really got a clear picture of what being in camp was like from Levi's account. There's some pretty intense stuff in the book as well. I really like Levi's use of words to paint a picture of life in Auschwitz. I also must admit that I'm still reading it, both because I'm a slow reader, and because the book is so packed with info that I have to re-read each paragraph several times to understand it.

Andy said...

P.s. guess I can't have enjoyed the book if I'm still reading it. my bad. :) chow